Review: Dust and Decay

Sep •  3 •  2015
Review: Dust and DecayDust & Decay by Jonathan Maberry

Six months have passed since the terrifying battle with Charlie Pink-eye and the Motor City Hammer in the zombie-infested mountains of the Rot & Ruin. It’s also six months since Benny Imura and Nix Riley saw something in the air that changed their lives. Now, after months of rigorous training with Benny’s zombie-hunter brother Tom, Benny and Nix are ready to leave their home forever and search for a better future. Lilah the Lost Girl and Benny’s best friend Lou Chong are going with them. Sounds easy. Sounds wonderful. Except that everything that can go wrong does. Before they can even leave there is a shocking zombie attack in town. But as soon as they step into the Rot & Ruin they are pursued by the living dead, wild animals, insane murderers and the horrors of Gameland –where teenagers are forced to fight for their lives in the zombie pits. Worst of all…could the evil Charlie Pink-eye still be alive? In the great Rot & Ruin everything wants to kill you. Everything…and not everyone in Benny’s small band of travelers will make it out alive.

When starting the Rot and Ruin series I have to be honest and say that I was a little nervous about where it would lead me and if I was going to enjoy it or have it not be for me. However, that all changed for the better after reading Dust and Decay. I now have no doubt within myself on whether I will be continuing this series or not because it is a definite yes that you will be seeing future updates on this zombie filled series.

I did have a little slow start when reading the first part but that was all the world building that I was just taking in slowly. However, when starting Dust and Decay everything just seemed to move at such a faster speed that I surprised myself when I found myself finishing the book. The characters were growing, the story was keeping me on my toes, and the ending gave a rush of emotions.

We continue the journey with the Imura brothers as they prepare to leave their home along with Nix, Lilah, and Lou Chong as they begin a search for a mysterious jet they saw flying to the east. However, when things start to look good, events take place that make the characters question as well as the reader if the Rot and Ruin is becoming more and more of a dangerous place to be. With mentions of Gameland appearing once more Tom is sure to keep his eyes open and protect his brother and friends as they progress towards the east.

Mentioning the relationship between Nix and Benny, I am glad that we got a much more in depth look at them and how they view their relationship. I did feel that it was rushed in the first book and they were not thinking clearly, but after events played out, their minds seemed to clear up a bit and the idea of loving one another became something they didn’t do out of wanting to fill that void but out  of the love and care that they have for each other.

Jonathan did a wonderful job in showing the reader some of the inside of Nix’s mind with excerpts from her journal and this provided the reader with more back story on the uprising as well as backstory on zombies themselves. Loved it!!!

The ending was a killer for me and I even messaged the author that I felt betrayed. I was not expecting this to happen for a least another couple novels or at least in the next one but like ever author, Jonathan knows how to play with the readers emotions.

Overall this is a series that nobody should question about continuing as it will keep you on your toes and wanting to know what could possibly happen next.

Happy Reading!



1 Comment

  1. Sweet! I still need to continue the series and this is the book I still need to read.