Just Release It Already! (16)

Nov •  10 •  2010
This is a meme on a book I  just can’t wait to read!

Rage (Horseman of the Apocalypse #2)
By Jackie Morse Kessler
Release Date: April 2011

“Missy didn’t mean to cut so deep. But after the party where she was humiliated in front of practically everyone in school, who could blame her for wanting some comfort? Sure, most people don’t find comfort in the touch of a razor blade, but Missy always was . . . different.

That’s why she was chosen to become one of the Four Horsemen Apocalypse: War. Now Missy wields a different kind of blade—a big, brutal sword that can cut down anyone and anything in her path. But it’s with this weapon in her hand that Missy learns something that could help her triumph over her own pain: control.

A unique approach to the topic of self-mutilation, Rage is the story of a young woman who discovers her own power, and refuses to be defeated by the world?.”
I loved the first book and I can’t wait to read the second. The synopsis sounds great and the cover looks good. I have high hopes for this series and Ms. Kessler. Her debut novel was a great hit. I can’t wait to see what her future works brings!
So seriously???….Just Release It Already!!
Happy Reading! 


  1. Jenny
    Nov 10, 2010

    I’m looking forward to this series, I think she has a really interesting approach to difficult subject matter. Hunger is on my list, I can’t wait to start it so I’m caught up for this one!

  2. this series sounds so intense, and really good! i’m glad you liked the first one so much!

  3. Missie
    Nov 10, 2010

    Yah! The main character’s name is Missy! So cool.

    I haven’t read the first book yet, but I love the covers and the idea behind the books.

  4. bibliophile brouhaha
    Nov 10, 2010

    Oh my, this sounds really interesting – how did the first book in the series read? Was it freaky?

    -Linds, bibliophile brouhaha

  5. Nina
    Nov 10, 2010

    I got my copy for this one at Netgalley, looking forward reading it. It looks and sounds very good. 🙂