Interview with Kelly Keaton!

Feb •  19 •  2012

“Myth and mayhem inhabit a richly reimagined New Orleans in this sequel to Darkness Becomes Her.After the epic graveyard battle at the end of Darkness Becomes Her, Ari and her friends know what they’re up against: Ari is facing the Medusa curse and is haunted by the image of what she will become. To make matters worse, the heinous goddess Athena has kidnapped young Violet and is threatening to destroy Ari.

Ari, along with the superhot Sebastian, is doing everything she can to learn more about Athena and to get Violet back. But the battle of good and evil is bigger than she realizes, and she’s about to be pulled into a world more horrific than she could ever imagine….”

What books have influenced your life most?

It might sound weird, but Time Life books series: The Great Ages of Man, Mysteries of the Unknown, Enchanted Lands – my grandfather used to get them once a month. When I was little, I’d pour over the pages. It’s where I learned about ancient history, mythology, and folklore. I inherited those books, and sometimes I’ll open them and remember the pictures and the words, and it takes me back to being eight years old, and imagining the gods and magic and wondrous things.

 Where do you get your ideas for your books?
All kinds of places, really. History, mythology, sometimes watching a movie (or, yes, I admit it, a cartoon) will spark an idea, seeing a beautiful or haunting picture, or even things like an odd-colored sky before a storm, or a blood red leaf in the fall…  
 What was your favorite chapter to write and why?  
Oh, this is hard to answer. Would have to go with Chapter 14 – the first time Ari sees her father and what transpires. That scene was really emotional to write. And Chapter 20 – Sebastian! That is all I’m going to say. 🙂
 Why do you feel you had to tell this story?  
Even if the book hadn’t been contracted, I still would’ve written it because I really wanted Ari to have the opportunity to right some wrongs, or at least try. I didn’t outline the sequel, so it was as much of a journey for me as it was for her, and I had to see how it ended.  
 If you couldn’t be an author, what would your ideal career be?
 Do you have any advice for aspiring authors?  
Don’t worry so much about what process you use to tell your story (outlining, writing by the seat of your pants, a combination…). I see a lot of aspiring authors (myself included back in the day) get distracted by fonts, words per page, word counts, people telling you you have to outline every chapter or you must know the ending before you write, or whatever, that it can stop you before you even start. Don’t feel like you have to bend yourself to a particular process or even format things perfectly right from the beginning (unless you want to. If not, trust me, there will be plenty of time to deal with fonts and formats in subsequent drafts). Of course, know the elements that make a good story, read, read, read, then put the words on paper however it’s most natural and comfortable for you to do so.     

 Thank you so much for being here today Ms. Keaton!
Where you can buy Darkness Becomes Her:
Amazon | B&N | Indiebound | Simon & Schuster
Pre-order A Beautiful Evil:
Amazon | B&N Indiebound


Author Information:
Kelly loves ancient history, fantasy, and mythology. She dreams of one day attaining magical powers, discovering the secret to immortality, ridding her home of pet hair, and being crowned Mardi-Gras queen. She likes pre-Raphaelite art, moonlight on snow, and RPGs. She lives in North Carolina with her family, one Great Dane, and two incredibly hairy cats.

a Rafflecopter giveaway<a href=””>You need javascript enabled to see this giveaway</a>.

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Good Luck and Happy Reading!



  1. Great interview! Hmm, looks like I’ll need to pay extra special attention to chapter 20 when I get the book 🙂

    Thanks for the giveaway 🙂

  2. I <3 Darkness Becomes Her SO much and I can't wait to get to read Beautiful Evil!

    and YAY! Bastian 🙂 I <3 him!

  3. Sayomay
    Feb 19, 2012

    Awesome! XD Im studying to become an arch!!

  4. Marcie
    Feb 20, 2012

    I’m so obsessed with Darkness Becomes Her! Anyone dig the crazy voodoo shop scene? 😀

  5. Carina
    Feb 20, 2012

    Thanks a lot for sharing this interview with us! I haven’t read this series yet, but really have to, because it sounds fabulous!

    Fictional Distraction

  6. Kereesa
    Feb 20, 2012

    Woo! Now I’m excited to get my hand on Beautiful Evil! Mmmm…Sebastian 😛

  7. Thanks!!! This was a great interview! I can’t wait for A Beautiful Evil 🙂
    Alyssa S.

  8. Jessy
    Feb 21, 2012

    I wish I was creative where I saw a picture or show and coud think up a whole novel.

  9. Brenda Demko
    Feb 21, 2012

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I have both of these on my wishlist.

  10. Shellie
    Feb 21, 2012

    Great interview. I always love learning more about the author. I haven’t read this series yet but they do look very interesting. Thanks =)

  11. books first love
    Feb 23, 2012

    The box for the rafflecopter mini book bracelet name and email doesn’t work. I’ll just write them here: Andreea Martes, email: