Interivew/ Giveaway: Barbara Casey!

Apr •  21 •  2011
Today we have Ms. Barbara Casey author of Cadence of Gypsies! Thanks so much for Ms. Casey being here today!!

The Cadence of Gypsies by Barbara Casey

What is your biggest obstacle you face when writing?
I think, like all writers, I have an issue with time.  There just aren’t enough hours during the day to get as much writing done as I would like.
 When did you know you wanted to write?
I have always wanted to write.  As a kid in the third grade, I wrote poetry.  The next year I advanced to short stories.  When I became an adult, I was more interested in writing novels.  The first book I ever wrote was a middle-grade novel.  I gave myself a year to write it and find a publisher.  After eleven months I received my first publishing contract.  That was almost twenty years ago and since then I have had six more novels published both for adults and young adults as well as poetry and short stories.  Interestingly, my first book that was published was remaindered a few years ago when the publisher retired.  Recently, it was picked up by another publisher and it will be republished early next year.  Of course I updated it and made some changes to the original manuscript, but for me it was like revisiting an old friend.

How to do you come up with ideas to write a book?
This is a good question, but a hard one for me to answer.  Many times a line from a poem will be enough to start my imagination working.  Or it might be something in the news that interests me, and I take an idea to build on.  I created one of my adult novels, Just Like Family, from that wonderful southern expression “just like family.”  In my latest book, The Cadence of Gypsies, there is a rhythm throughout the story—a “cadence.”  So with the FIGs, the orphanage, and the gypsy connection, the title seemed right.

How long does it take you to finish writing a book?
I pretty much work out the story in my head before I ever start writing.  I know how I want my book to start, how I want it to finish, and I know several key things I want to happen in between as well as a little bit about the major characters.  These things can take several months for me to work out, but then when I actually sit down to write my book, it doesn’t take me that long.

 What character from your book is your favorite and why?
This really is a tough question.  I love the FIGs, of course.  Each girl is so unique and talented, but vulnerable.  Carolina, even though she is older, is also unique, and yet vulnerable because she shares the experience of being an orphan.  I suppose if I were to choose one character, though, it would be Jennifer.  Maybe it is because of her love for music, but there is a tenderness in her that leaves her a little more exposed than either Dara or Mackenzie or even Carolina.  And then, of course, there is the good ole’ boy, Jimmy Bob Doake, who is likeable in his own right.

  What do you think makes for a good story?
I always like to have a bit of mystery or something that is difficult to explain in my books paired with suspense. Each of my novels is character-driven as well because that is the way I can best present my story.

  Aside from writing, what is one talent that you wish you had?
I wish I could be an opera singer.  In reality, I am very much a southern girl, soft spoken, and a little shy.  I would love to be able to get up on a stage in full regalia and really belt out an aria.

If you can dine with your favorite author who would it be?
Rosamunde Pilcher.  But only if we could dine at her home in Scotland.

What is one book that you can read over and over again?
Make Way for Lucia by British author EF Benton.

What is the last book you finished reading?
Hideaway by Dean Koontz.

About you FUN TIME!

Can you dance?
Absolutely.  And since my husband is from Argentina, I can even manage some of the Latin dances.

  What is your biggest pet peeve?
Because I am such a stickler for routine and a bit of a perfectionist, it really bothers me when someone promises to do something, but doesn’t—or worse yet, they forget.  It goes back to that time thing and not having enough of it.

If you could bring one character to life from your favorite book, who would it be?
It would have to be Lucia from Make Way for Lucia.

Do you have any pets?
I have two dogs.  One is a 7-pound Seraphim Maltese named Hemingway (yes, he looks like Ernest), and the other is a 50-pound hound mix named Benton who adopted me shortly after I moved to a mountain in Georgia.

What is your favorite TV show?
I really enjoy the documentaries on the History Channel.  I also like NCIS, Bones, and The Good Wife.

  What is the last movie you saw?
I don’t go to movies that often, but I am planning to take my granddaughter to see HOP next week.

  What is the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
It would have to be something my husband cooked.  His mother was from Spain and his father was from Italy, so he knows a lot of wonderful and “interesting” recipes.  I have learned that if I don’t recognize what it is or where it falls in the food chain, I eat it and just don’t ask.

If you could have one superpower, which would you choose?
I would choose to be psychic.

  What was the most recent movie/book that made you cry?
The Cadence of Gypsies.  When my husband finished reading it, he cried because he loved the story so much.  Then I cried because he loved the story so much.  I know it sounds silly, but the characters I create become so much a part of me that I get emotional when they have trials or problems.

Who had the greatest influence on your writing?
I think probably my parents had the most influence on my writing.  My father was an officer in the Marine Corps and when I was growing up we moved every two or three years.  I really learned to adjust to new situations and surroundings. I met so many people, and I saw so many interesting places. I think that has helped me be a better writer.

Alright so you can dance Ms. Casey! That is awesome! I too enjoy watching the History Chanel. You learn so much from just watching a few hours of it. Thank you for answering all of my questions.

Would like to win a copy of Cadence of Gypsies by Ms. Casey.?

If so, please enter HERE!
Read my review HERE!

Happy Reading!



  1. Jenny
    Apr 21, 2011

    What a fun interview! I wish I could say I could dance. But I can’t. I’m miserable. I’m a much better wall flower, and it’s really just safer for everyone if I observe those who actually have rhythm:)

  2. Missie
    Apr 21, 2011

    Oh, I love when authors answer questions on their favorite books and characters. It’s so interesting to me.

    And that is so sweet that the hubs cried after reading. That really says something about the story.