Happy New Year!!

Jan •  1 •  2016

Hello everyone and Happy New Year! Can you believe that it is 2016? I feel as if the years are just passing me by. I’m super excited for the new year and what it has to offer.

First off, I know some of you are wondering where have I’ve been? Well, since having a baby my life has been very busy. Between the new baby girl, my son, work, school, etc, I haven’t been able to find time to read. Honestly I’m just tired and want to sleep.

GOOD NEWS! This year I’m coming back. Now that my daughter is older and sleeping throughout the night, I have some time to read.

My goals for 2016 is to:


-Run more

– Spend more time with family

That’s it.


I do have one bittersweet announcement. Chayse will no longer be blogging on BWB. He will be blogging on his own blog site. I am super happy and excited for him. He will occasionally do post/review on BWB but you can find him at Thebookreaper.net. Go check it out.

What are your goals for the new year?

Happy Reading!

1 Comment

  1. Freda @ Freda's Voice
    Jan 5, 2016

    Happy new year!