Book Talk: New Reading/Blogging Resolutions

Dec •  12 •  2013

Hello everyone! Now, I know that it may be early to talk about New Years resolutions but I have been thinking a lot lately about what direction I want the blog to go. When I first started this blog, it was to share books and connect with others readers. I think this is part where I failed. I’m probably one of the few bloggers that have a review a day. And while that is good, I want to do more where I can show more of my personality and connect with others. With that said, I came up with new features that I plan on doing.

This Week In New Adult: I started this feature late in the year and it took off. While it doesn’t get most comments, it does get a lot of page views. I figured since New Adult is a big hit right now and everyone is looking for the next HOT NA read, I’ll keep doing it.

This Week In Pictures: This will be a new feature  in which I showcase what bookish/personal pictures I take on Instagram. When I go to bookish events, get books in mail, etc I always take a picture of it. This feature will help me show a little more of my personality. If you don’t follow me on Instagram you should. You can find me here: Bookswithbite

Book Tags: I want to do more of these to connect with others and so others can get to know me. I do have a few plan out, so stay tuned!!

Book Talk: This is a new feature that I haven’t really kept up with. This feature is more of an interactive with the readers. I plan on doing more of these in the next year.

Promotions: Since book blogging is about sharing books, I like to have  more author spotlights. Maybe showcase a author I love that has a new book coming out or a new debut author that has caught my eye.

Reviews: Of course I will still do my best to produce as many reviews as I can since it is the heart of the blog.

What new things/feature do you want to do on your blog in 2014? Let me know in the comments below.

Happy Reading!


  1. Jenny
    Dec 12, 2013

    What is a book tag? I’ve never heard of that but now I’m all curious! These sound like fantastic resolutions Savy, I need to start working on some of my own. I don’t know how you do a review a day, I just can’t keep up with that kind of schedule. I’m good with the 3 reviews a week I typically do, I just can’t read/review in faster than that :/ Can’t wait to see some of your new features in effect!

    • Savannah
      Dec 12, 2013

      Hey jenny! Book tags are something fun to express the books you like/don’t like and your personality. The first book tag I’m going is called The Ulitmate Book tag. Which is just lots of questions about books. Mostly, booktubers do these. I do, do booktube and I’m trying to create more videos. Hence, me doing more book tags.

  2. Oh I can’t wait to see what you have in store. I’m with Jenny… can’t wait to see the book tags in action. 🙂

    • Savannah
      Dec 12, 2013

      Awesome! I’m excited that everyone else is excited!!

  3. Candace
    Dec 13, 2013

    I’ve been trying to add in more discussions, and they seem to do well. I just don’t always find the time to type them up. I do the instagram posts most weeks though and that’s fun cause I can show my personality while showing my books and other randomness. I look forward to your new things!

  4. I always love coming across people’s New Year’s Resolutions, especially ones in the bookish world. I follow you on instagram but through my personal account so I never like anything so I don’t freak you out! I do love seeing the books you got and the fun pictures you post. (Congrats on the amazing weight loss, by the way! That is so awesome!!) I’m thinking about making one for my blog to post bookish pictures. My real life friends are so not interested in that kind of stuff but I do want to share it with my blog friends. I love how often you are able to whip out reviews. I hope to be able to post more myself next year. I can’t wait to see what you come up with in your book talk segment. I love discussions! If I could come up with good ideas myself, I’d do more. But alas, I feel like all the good ideas have been done before. This is a great list and I can’t wait to see what you post next year!