Blog Tour: Defiance Interview with Rachel

Aug •  26 •  2012

Check out the Blog Tour Hosted by Mundie Mom’s HERE!

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 Rachel, you had many heart-stopping moments. Which one is most profound to you?
I was going to talk about one of the moments that broke me, but then I realized that the most profound moment really is the moment when I realized I loved Logan. It helped to keep me sane to realize that I had someone to fight for and it helped to know that even though I felt broken inside, I was still capable of love. That gave me hope.
 Out of all the things your father taught you, what do you value the most?
That fighting for what you believe in is always the right choice, even when the odds are stacked against you.
 If you could change one thing, what would it be?
I’d kill the Commander before he ever had a chance to cause so much pain.
 What song captures you the most?
“A Star-Crossed Wasteland” by In This Moment.
 After all the moments you had, I would have lost my strength by now. Where do you find strength to keep going when everything seems lost?
I guess I believe the only way to truly lose is to surrender. I’m not about to do that, and I still have people worth fighting for. *I’m* worth fighting for.

Thanks so much for being here today Rachel! I can’t wait to read more of your adventures.

Happy Reading!


  1. Maji Bookshelf
    Aug 26, 2012

    Really nice and interesting interview! Rachel seems like quite the strong girl, though im STILL not sure who she is! *checks synopsis* OOH okay thats awesome!!! an interview with one of the characters! hahaaha! loved it! Thanks for sharing!
    – Farah @ Maji Bookshelf

  2. TayteH
    Aug 26, 2012

    Funny. 😀 Rachel sounds badass. 😀

  3. Gellie
    Aug 26, 2012

    First off, really pretty cover 😀

    Secondly, I love how she says she’s worth fighting for. Shows a healthy amount of self-esteem which a lot of protag lack. 😀

    Nice interview!