Supporting My B.O.D (# 45)

Nov •  5 •  2011

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What did you get to support your disorder?
Happy Reading!



  1. Anna
    Nov 5, 2011

    Ohh I got My Life Undecided too! I’m excited to read it, it looks pretty cute 🙂 Awesome haul this week, tons of great books!

    Anna @ Literary Exploration

  2. Valia Lind
    Nov 5, 2011

    Omw that Russian book sounds great!! Im Russian! haha Enjoy your goodies! I cant believe you got Wings of the Wicked! I cant wait for that book!!!!

  3. BooksforCompany
    Nov 5, 2011

    After the Snow sounds really good! Haven’t heard of it before, enjoy =)

  4. Grace Fonseca
    Nov 5, 2011

    A lot of awesome books you got. I didn’t get much this week, like you did. Most of mine were bought. Great mailbox.

    Livre De Amour-Books of Love Blog

  5. Braiden
    Nov 5, 2011

    Hehe thought you said Shit Breaker…oops! I’ve had Ship Breaker since last year but still need to read it >.< Lots of other great reads I want to check out. Enjoy Sav 😉

  6. Love the jewelry! You look so pretty!

    Good books! The Post book sounds interesting. Oh and I got the 3rd Section too! Oh and I want Arcadia too! *tries to steal it* 😉

  7. Midnyte Reader
    Nov 6, 2011

    Ship Breaker looks cool…I love the cover. And of course, whenever they get an award it makes me want to read it more.

  8. Shellie
    Nov 6, 2011

    I think I’ve seen Ship Breaker in B&N as a FL read since I’m in the gulf coast but havne’t paid to much attention to it…can’t wait for your review. I so badly want to get my hands on My Life Undecided (I can’t make decisions for myself either lol horrible I know). Hope you have a great week =)