Review: Wasteland
Title: Wasteland Series: Stand-Alone Genre: Young Adult-Dystopian Author: Susan Kim & Laurence Klavan Publisher: HarperTeen Release Date: March 26, 2013 Book: ARC sent by publisher “Welcome to the Wasteland. Where all the adults are long gone, and now no one lives past the age of nineteen. Susan Kim and Laurence Klavan’s post-apocalyptic debut is the first of a trilogy in which everyone is forced to live under the looming threat of rampant disease and brutal attacks by the Variants —- hermaphroditic outcasts that live on the outskirts of Prin. Esther thinks there’s more to life than toiling at harvesting, gleaning, and excavating, day after day under the relentless sun, just hoping to make it to the next day. But then Caleb, a...
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