Review: Crash

Review: Crash
Apr 13

Crash by Nicole Williams Series: Crash # 1 Published by HarperCollins on 12/18/2012 Genres: Young Adult-Contemporary Pages: 384 Source: FTC: Exchange for honest opinion, Publisher Buy on Amazon Goodreads Fickle. Explosive. A hazard to girls everywhere. Lucy Larson, meet Jude Ryder. Being the new kid is the last thing Lucy wanted for her senior year, especially after her hot encounter with Southpointe's bad boy Jude Ryder has her labeled a slut on her first day. But her sights are set on becoming a ballerina, and she won't let anything get in her way. Until she stumbles into Jude again. Jude's got a rap sheet—an actual rap sheet—that runs longer than a senior thesis and moods that swing from delectable to dangerous. He's had his name sighed, shouted, and cursed by...

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