Review: Blood Magic

Review: Blood Magic
Jun 3

Blood Magic by Tessa Gratton Series: The Blood Journals # 1 Published by Random House Books for Young Readers on May 24th 2011 Genres: Young Adult- Fantasy/ Paranormal Source: Bought Goodreads This page-turning debut novel will entice fans who like their paranormal romances dark and disturbing.   Everywhere Silla Kennicott turns she sees blood. She can't stop thinking about her parents alleged murder-suicide. She is consumed by a book filled with spells that arrives mysteriously in the mail. The spells share one common ingredient: blood, and Silla is more than willing to cast a few. What's a little spilled blood if she can uncover the truth? And then there's Nick—the new guy at school who makes her pulse race. He has a few secrets of his own and is all too...

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