Review: Fair Coin

Mar •  30 •  2012

Title: Fair Coin
Series: Coin # 1
Genre: Young Adult- Fantasy
Author: E.C. Myers
Publisher: Pyr
Release Date: March 27, 2012
Book: FC sent by publisher

“Sixteen-year-old Ephraim Scott is horrified when he comes home from school and finds his mother unconscious at the kitchen table, clutching a bottle of pills. The reason for her suicide attempt is even more disturbing: she thought she’d identified Ephraim’s body at the hospital that day.

Among his dead double’s belongings, Ephraim finds a strange coin—a coin that grants wishes when he flips it. With a flick of his thumb, he can turn his alcoholic mother into a model parent and catch the eye of the girl he’s liked since second grade. But the coin doesn’t always change things for the better. And a bad flip can destroy other people’s lives as easily as it rebuilds his own.

The coin could give Ephraim everything he’s ever wanted—if he learns to control its power before his luck runs out.”

This book is definitely not what I expected. For me it starting off good then got slow. Though, it kept me intrigued till the end.
What I liked most about this book is the great plot line. I really loved the idea of paradoxes in the universe. For me this idea alone and the way it was written out is good. With each new chapter, the reader learns more of the paradox, rules and meets new characters.
I really loved the loved interest. Though it’s not really pursued in the book due to to other events happening, I like where it is going. I am hoping that in the next book, the reader can see a much more developed love interest.
My only gripe about this book is due to the paradox there is constant change. You  must be paying very close attention or else you can get lost or confused very quick. There are times where the paradoxes come upon the reader fast. So if you miss something you may need to back track.
Overall Fair Coin is great book! It had a loads of adventure and action. Fair Coin is mysterious and compelling.
I give it 3 BITES!
Happy Reading!


  1. Hm… not sure if this one is for me, but I do like a good paradox in a book. I think I’ll have to be in an attentive mood for this one. LOL

  2. Shellie
    Mar 31, 2012

    Hadn’t heard this but with everything going on in my life right now I need something that isn’t going to change and me be O_o while reading…that’d just add to things LOL. I’ll add it to my maybe list. Thanks for the great review