Review: Grounding Quinn

Sep •  10 •  2011

Title: Grounding Quinn
Series: No
Genre: Young Adult- Contemporary
Author: Stephanie Campbell
Publisher:  Self -pub
Release Date: June 15, 2011
Book: E-book sent by author

“Eighteen-year-old Quinn MacPherson’s biggest fear has always been turning out like her mentally unstable mother. (Solving algebraic equations comes in as a close second.)

That is, until she meets Benjamin Shaw.

Quinn thinks hooking up with Ben over summer vacation will be nothing more than a quick fling. She can’t even commit to a nail polish choice, much less some guy.
Unfortunately for her, Ben is not just some guy. Ben gets her- the real her, flaws and all- and that scares the hell out of her.

When Ben does the unthinkable- tells Quinn he’s in love with her- she does what comes naturally. She pushes him away. Ben can only watch from a distance as Quinn lashes out, and punishes him for daring to care about her.

But how far can you push someone, even someone who loves you, before they are gone for good?”

What a beautiful and amazing book! Let me tell you people that this book rock my socks off. It is beautifully written, amazingly told and a great book that I can read over and over again! From the very first word on the page, I was hooked and done for.
What got me hooked on this book is the amazing plot line. I loved that Ms. Campbell created greatly flawed characters. I love seeing characters grow and become new. Seeing characters open their eyes to what they thought they were to someone they are meant to be. Every turn of the page left me either feeling love, sad, or just pissed off. The way the author is able to pull my emotions along with the book left me in awe!
The love interest in the book is so simple, something that happens everyday in this real world that it was super good to read. Love is not easy for everyone. I loved how Ben fought for Quinn. There is a line in the book that stole my heart. “If you love her. You fight for her.” And Ben fought. And when he did, I swooned like there is no tomorrow. I fell in love with Ben, and rooted for him.
This is a great book! It not something based on over dramatic stuff, but real love, real problems, and a real girl just trying to find out where she stands. I loved that the author took many real elements adding them to her book. Grounding Quinn is an amazing debut! Filled with heart ache, one messed up family and a love that will with stand time, you must read this book!
I give it 5 BITES!
Happy Reading!


  1. Chapter Chicks
    Sep 10, 2011

    Oh my! What a beautiful cover, and it sounds like beautiful story! It is very nice to have some real love books thrown in with all the paranormal that is YA. It reminds us that men don’t have to be vampires to be romantic! 🙂 Thanks for putting this on my radar.


  2. I'm The Bookie Monster
    Sep 10, 2011

    I had never heard of this book until now and based on your review, I think I need to get my hands on it RIGHT NOW! lol. Adding it to my Amazon wish list! I love how it’s about running away when people get too close because I can totally relate to that and I know many more out there will say the same thing.”If you lover her. You fight for her.” EEEEEEEEEEEEEH!! Sounds beautiful and romantic and right up my alley! And Ben and Quinn totally rhymes…just saying! Thanks for the review!

  3. Steph
    Sep 10, 2011

    “Ben and Quinn totally rhymes…just saying!” < < ha! You know, it was many chapters into writing this book before I even realized that. eek! :) Thank you SO much for taking the time to read and review, Savannah! So glad that you enjoyed it, I value your reviews so much when choosing books so this just made my week! Thank you!! 🙂

  4. I haven’t heard of this book. Hm… Oh to have more time to read even more! Ben sounds amazing. Very swoon-worthy! Sounds like a great character book.