Review: Tris & Izzie

Oct •  4 •  2011

Title: Tris & Izzie
Series: No
 Genre: Young Adult- Supernatural
Author: Mette Ivie Harrison
Publisher: EgmontUSA
Release Date: October 11, 2011
Book: ARC through Netgalley

“A modern retelling of the German fairytale “Tristan and Isolde”, Tris and Izzie is about a young witch named Izzie who is dating Mark King, the captain of the basketball team and thinks her life is going swimmingly well. Until — she makes a love potion for her best friend Brangane and then ends up taking it herself accidentally, and falling in love with Tristan, the new guy at school.”

I had some really high expectations about this book. I thought it was going to be all lovey dovey and it was, but just not in the way I expected it to be.
What I like most about this book are the characters. Fresh out this world, the characters are what makes this book. I loved their loyalty, the fierceness to fight, and their willingness not to give up. I loved that this story is not only filled with love but with magic.
The plot line of this book is what got to me. I felt like the pacing of it was too slow and so I hard a hard time keeping up with it. I found myself just wanting to turn the pages to get to the good stuff. What I also didn’t like was that it had to do with magic and whole other world. I guess my expectations for this book was that there will be no magic but more of a fierce undying love.
Overall, this book is good. I loved watching the characters grows and become who they are meant to be. It does take a while to get into the story. But if you give it a chance, you will find action, magical creatures and undying love.
I give it 3 BITES!

Happy Reading!


  1. Alison Can Read
    Oct 4, 2011

    Unfortunately, I just couldn’t get into this book. I made it 50 pages and finally gave up. Maybe if I’d kept going it would have gotten somewhat better, but given the goodreads ratings, I’m guessing not. Too bad.

  2. Carina
    Oct 4, 2011

    I really like it when I read reviews of people who liked this book, because I sadly couldn’t get into it at all. I finished it, but I didn’t like it. 🙁 So I’m glad you enjoyed it!

    Thanks for sharing,
    Carina @ Fictional Distraction

  3. Oh man, it was a dnf for me. I guess I should have stuck with it. I just didn’t like the character Izzie. I didn’t think there was any growth. Oh well… maybe I’ll try it at a later time.