Blog Tour: Review: Reflection

Blog Tour: Review: Reflection
Sep 8

Title: Reflection Series: Reflection # 1 Genre: Young Adult-Supernatural Author: Jessica Roberts Publisher: Self-Pub Release Date: February 17, 2012 Book: E-copy sent by YA Bound “Bright, spunky Heather Robbins has escaped her small hometown and is anxiously beginning her freshman year of college. Rising above her rocky childhood, she’s found a place where good things are finally starting to happen: her own private apartment, refreshing college classes, and an intense attachment to a mysterious and rugged classmate, Nick Richards.But when her dreamy college life turns out to be nothing more than a wonderful dream while resting in a coma, questions threaten. Now, Heather must press forward to unlock the real past, and find the answers buried deep in her...

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