Review: Sovereign Hope

Review: Sovereign Hope
Aug 27

Sovereign Hope by Frankie Rose Series: The Hope # 1 Published by Self-Published on July 1, 2012 Genres: Young Adult- Fantasy/ Paranormal Source: Author Goodreads "Everyone has a soul Some are just worth more than others Farley Hope was seventeen when her mother disappeared. In the last six months not much has changed, except that her eighteenth birthday came and went and still no sign of Moira. Her life is just as complicated as it always was. Since her father died in a car crash before she was even born, she’s officially parentless, and to top it all off she’s still suffering from the hallucinations. Mind-splitting, vivid hallucinations- the kind prone to induce night terrors and leave you whimpering under your covers like a baby. The last thing on her mind is...

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