Book Talk: How much money do you spend on books?

Jan •  2 •  2014


Okay, let’s be honest. How much money do you spend on books? In a week, in a month or in a year. How much is it, for real? Not a guess or a round-about number but a REAL solid number.

This year, I want to calculate how much money I spend on books. It’s a scary thought. Because honestly, I don’t really know but I have a feeling my number is HIGH. I buy books everywhere I go. I buy books at Target, Walmart, Kmart and my local indie book store, Paragraph Books. I buy them online at Book Depo, Amazon, B&N and Book Outlet. I even buy books at the grocery store. Yup, you heard me. I buy them at HEB. I buy books everywhere and anytime I’m at the store. And I never really stop to think how much money I REALLY spend on my hobby.

I will be calculating my spending on books every month till the end of the year where you will see my grand total! *GASP*

I decided to calculate any money spent on books into 3 areas:

1. Personal books I buy for myself (Duh)

2. Giveaways ( I give away lots of books so this year I want to know how many books I give away and how much it cost me)

3. Shipping (Does anyone know how much money we spend at the post office? I know I go there a lot and shipping has gone up.)

4. Blogging Cost (Graphics/Web design/Hosting/Subscriptions, etc)

Why am I doing this you ask?

Well for several reasons. First, I want to know for myself. I admit I’m in a (tiny) bit denial about the cost of my hobby. I mean really, it can’t be that much. (Looks around, bites nails.) Right???

Second, I want to bust that rumor that says bloggers don’t spend much money on books. I have heard that ALL the time. That bloggers get so many books in the mail, we don’t have to buy any. And all I’m thinking, I buy plenty. I spend lots of money on books, giveaways, etc.

In the end, this experiment is for all the bloggers out there who support readers/authors everywhere. Although my spending habits aren’t the same as yours, we are alike in what we do.

*Please note that I will have a widget on my side bar with my monthly total so far*

Wish me luck!

Happy Reading and Happy New Year!!


  1. Sandra
    Jan 2, 2014

    I love that you admit to buying books in the grocery store! I do it too and I always thought I was weird, haha. Good luck with your experiment, I’m looking forward to seeing the results.

    • Savannah
      Jan 2, 2014

      Isn’t admitting the first step to seeing that *maybe* I have a problem when it comes to books? LOL! Thanks. I hope that I can stick with it.

  2. I have absolutely no idea how much money I spend on books. I might start tracking my spending this year too, just to see. And I’ll be curious to see what your spending is like as well 🙂

    • Savannah
      Jan 2, 2014

      If you do, please let me know! I love to see what your spending is.

  3. Mary @ BookSwarm
    Jan 2, 2014

    I really have no idea, especially since most of my purchases are impulse buys, made after reading an awesome review and saying, “I MUST READ NOW!” I probably should keep track…maybe I will. Or maybe I’ll just watch and cheer you on.

    • Savannah
      Jan 2, 2014

      I do that too. That’s why I like to track my spending. If you do deiced to track your spending, let me know.

  4. Jen @ YA Romantics
    Jan 2, 2014

    Can’t wait to see how it comes out! I crunched my numbers for 2012 and started keeping track on Excel in 2013 but then lost track. But I’m sure I spend somewhere between $50-100 a month, if I count books for me, books for giveaways, and shipping….
    Happy New Year!
    Thanks so much for stopping by! Jen @ YA Romantics

    • Savannah
      Jan 2, 2014

      Yes, exactly! I know I spend that amount, maybe even more.

  5. Michelle Scott
    Jan 2, 2014

    You are one brave soul, lol. My local library lends out e-books which helps me cut costs, but if I really want a book, I’ll pay for it no matter if its on sale or not. Otoh…I have a lot of freebies which is a great way to discover new writers. Best of luck in your experiment. I’ll be curious to read the results!

    • Savannah
      Jan 2, 2014

      Thanks Michelle. I too have an account with my library that lends out e-books as well but I find myself forgetting about the books I check out. I rather just buy the books. If I have it on my hand, I’m more likely to read it.

  6. Angie F.
    Jan 2, 2014

    I actually kept track of my book spending in 2013 and will continue to do so this year. I actually only counted books I read, rather than everything I bought. I didn’t include the cost of blogging or anything, since that’s not what I was interested in. You can see my yearly total here:

    Spoiler: I don’t spend much at all!

  7. Savannah
    Jan 2, 2014

    Thanks for the link! I will go by and check it out.

  8. Candace
    Jan 2, 2014

    I definitely buy more books as a blogger then I did before. There are those series that I start and then don’t get the next book(s) and need to buy, there are those that I just see loads of good reviews for and HAVE to have and the list goes on. I don’t always get to READ all of them, but I’m still buying them. I can’t go into a store without looking at the books. Like you, I also buy them at the grocery store. Safeway doesn’t have a good selection, but even though I’m in there twice a week or more (it’s across the street from my house) I still ALWAYS have to look. It’s kind of ridiculous. But the new hardcovers are almost always 25% off, so it’s cheaper then the bookstore (but not cheaper then ordering).
    I know I spend a bit on shipping too, but I’ve done better with that this year, I believe. I’ve donated more and spent more on shipping for that, but much less for giveaway’s.

  9. Your post made me scared because I don’t even track how much I spend on books or blogging costs! Eepps..I think it’s not too late to start though. I’m going to try tracking my spending..

  10. Alpona Dutta
    Mar 17, 2015

    Goodness, even I’ll be keeping a check on my purchases. People have always told me the same….And I do completely agree with your point. Bloggers have to buy a lot many books; so anybody having the misconceptions as such must get them cleared. Thanks for the post though!